"With all due respect" - this is all "such a load of BS!"
It's the total design of the baffel, cabinet, drivers, and cross-over that makes the "sum of the parts" sing like nothing else... or... not.
I absolutely... guarantee you... that if you try a set of WaveTouch Audio Grand Teton stand-mount monitors... you will sell your Merlins, Harbeths, Wilsons, Marten's, Maggies, and all else! Nothing sounds any better... certainly for the money!
Try them - it will cost you nothing if you don't agree... but... you will!
It's the total design of the baffel, cabinet, drivers, and cross-over that makes the "sum of the parts" sing like nothing else... or... not.
I absolutely... guarantee you... that if you try a set of WaveTouch Audio Grand Teton stand-mount monitors... you will sell your Merlins, Harbeths, Wilsons, Marten's, Maggies, and all else! Nothing sounds any better... certainly for the money!
Try them - it will cost you nothing if you don't agree... but... you will!