If you are a fan of the Harbeth P3, I think you will like the Falcon version of the LS3/5A. I have heard it, the original BBC 15 ohm Rogers LS3/5A, the P3 and the ProAc Tablette in the same system. I like all of these speakers, but, I slightly prefer the sound of the old Rogers and the Falcon (warmer and better midrange than the other two). I know both are quite inefficient, but, they are an easy 15 ohm load and I heard them with low-powered amps; in fact, in one comparison session, the Synthesis Roma 96 amp was used and it is rated at 25 watts/channel. If a small monitor is in your plans, the Falcon is something to consider.
Another reasonably priced, very efficient speaker to consider is the Rethm Bhaava. This speaker has a built in powered woofer, so your amp will only be required to driver the very efficient main driver. This is a quite lively sounding system that is a nice change from the sound of the Harbeth 40.1s.
Another reasonably priced, very efficient speaker to consider is the Rethm Bhaava. This speaker has a built in powered woofer, so your amp will only be required to driver the very efficient main driver. This is a quite lively sounding system that is a nice change from the sound of the Harbeth 40.1s.