Speakers for string Quartets

Hi, I know already this is not a great question to ask, but…I’m looking for speakers that will only be used for string quartets.  Looking for something that will give me some of he sound of the body of the violin, not just strings. Looking for transparency with great tone, but don’t care too much about bass.
I have a large room, but never listen above 80db

current amps are Pass xa25, first watt F8, Aric Audio Single ended kt88, PS Audio m700.

just looking to really hear the violins, cellos. 
hHopefully the narrow range of music can reduce the list of prospects.




Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

Jazz piano genius Fred Hersch has a recent album with his trio and a string quartet...friggin' great stuff. I recently bought a Pass XA25 to see what that was all about and man, it's GREAT...giving my SEP Tube amp a rest. Freya, SA25, Klipsch Heresy IIIs  (I like the titanium midrange better than the new IV version) and 2 REL subs (the 2014th time I've mentioned this stuff)...strings for days along with anything else I throw at 'em, from Hindemith to Little Feat...who knew?

This comes up often and the answer is always the same: Any well designed speaker will reproduce any music sent to it as a "music specific" speaker is simply silly.