Speakers for string Quartets

Hi, I know already this is not a great question to ask, but…I’m looking for speakers that will only be used for string quartets.  Looking for something that will give me some of he sound of the body of the violin, not just strings. Looking for transparency with great tone, but don’t care too much about bass.
I have a large room, but never listen above 80db

current amps are Pass xa25, first watt F8, Aric Audio Single ended kt88, PS Audio m700.

just looking to really hear the violins, cellos. 
hHopefully the narrow range of music can reduce the list of prospects.




Showing 1 response by bassdude

Without question - the Quad ESL 57’s are the best for the acoustic music that you like.

The ATC’s would be also - but they’re expensive.

Next choice would be Harbeth 30.1’s / 30.2’s / etc.... which sound very much like the Quad ESL 57’s.  If you want something for near field - the Harbeth P3SR sounds very much like the 30.1's / 30.2's...

But... if you can accept the look of the restored ESL 57’s and have the room and matching electronics - nothing really comes that close, except possibly the 30.1’s / 30.2’s...

In fact... I’m seriously considering the ESL 57’s myself.