speakers for small room

I have a small living room. My amp is an Accuphase powering some Harbeth P3ESRs and a KEF KC62 subwoofer. Sounds great for acoustic and jazz. However, I also like big symphonic works and the Harbeths don't cut it for that. I'm looking for something more dynamic and something that can push more air to give me that grand experience of listening to big works. Any recommendations? Assume a budget of $10000.




Showing 1 response by hysteve

Magico A3s work great in my 15’ sq listening room pushing them with Hegel H590. Anything bigger would probably be overkill. Retail for about 16k but available used for under 10. Picked mine up for 9 on the US Audio Mart site. I find that people will justify selling them at a loss when they find “end game” speakers at 50-60% of retail and decide to move up. All genres sound good to me on the A3. It’s the quality of the recordings that make the difference in listening pleasure.