Speakers costing range of 2500-3500 per pair

With my budget what speakers would work well with the Denon 4311-ci

Showing 2 responses by bondmanp

The Monitor Audios I have heard are very good, especially with the ribbon tweeters.  I would also look into whichever Golden Ear speakers fit your budget.

My main speakers are in your price range - Ohm Walsh 2000s ($2800/pr). Although they do thrive on large reserves of power, they worked fine full range when I hooked up an old Onkyo surround AVR rated at 80 watts per channel. They are sold factory direct with a 120 day return option, but you will lose the round-trip shipping if you return them. In fact. for the last three months with my amp in the shop (ugh, don't ask), I have been running them off a $500 Pioneer AVR, and they sound great.  Not as good as with my regular amp, but pretty darned good.

I am about 50/50 2-channel music and video myself. I have smaller Ohms for the center and surrounds, and Paradign Atoms for the rear channels. Although I am not as picky about my surround sound as I am for stereo listening, my system is more than adequate for film soundtracks. I have a Def Tech sub for the LFE channel and a pair of Vandersteen 2Wq subs for the left & right main channels.

There are better speakers, but there are few that I have heard in the sub-$3K price range that I would rather own than my 2000s. My complete review of these speakers is in the review section of A-gon.

@audiozen - When you owned your store, what did you pay for rent? Utilities?  Insurance? Employees? Taxes?  Build-out? Maintenance?  I think the value added by a knowledgable retailer who offers service and demonstrates products is worth it to many consumers.  And many B&M retailers do discount off list.  I sometimes buy direct, but I let the product determine where I buy it, not the profit margin of the seller.  Would you rather have a great speaker sold only in stores with a bigger markup, or a mediocre one sold direct by a seller operating on thin margins?