Speakers, confusion, any ideas?

I've just rebuilt my front end after 20 years. I now have HCA-2 amp, MusicHall mmf-cd25 mod level +, and a Carver Sunfire Symphonic reference pre. (yes, Wally at underwood hifi has had some influence on me). The last link are speakers. I have refurbished my epicure 3.0's mids and subs from Meniscusaudio. With their advice, I will still need to replace the tweets, and have the speakers shipped to them for a computer analysis to create the new crossover, have it installed, etc. I have already spent $600.00 on drivers, with about $600.00 to complete the modification/refurbish process. At their current level, I listen, and am just not satisfied. The upper end, especially female vocals and horns are just edgy. I keep wanting to turn it up, but when i get to performance levels they make my ears hurt!!

I suppose the cross over could be the missing key, however, i wonder if my journey is futile.

I've read about three speakers that catch my attention, in no particular order: The Gallo Reference III, Paragdigm Studio 100, and the Theil CS2.4. All have gotten some serious print. Once I make my decision, I dont want to look back. What ever I pick, will probably take me to the next 25 years, hearing loss, diapers, and the true terminal* whatever.

Any ideas?

Showing 1 response by opalchip

I personally wouldn't try to have Meniscus Audio reinvent the wheel. (Though that's what keeps high-end business flowing.) Just because they sell parts, refoam old drivers, and have a PC with Spectrum Analysis software doesn't mean they know anything more than rudimentary crossover design. The great speaker designers spend hundreds of hours tweaking and testing and re-tweaking to match a crossover with it's components and the cabinet. Have they asked if you prefer 1st order or 4th order crossovers, and why?

If edginess bothers you, avoid the Gallo's. They're the latest "hot stuff", but they are definitely for people who want it very live in the upper end. Of the 3 you mentioned, the Thiels sound about right. Or consider the Vandersteen 3a Signatures. Both Thiels and Vandersteens are available very reasonable used, too. Used Alons are another good alternative.