Speakers choice with Octave v80se

I am currently using Octave v80se which have KT150x4 with Super Black Box. (https://octave.de/en/htdocs/verstaerker/v80se.php) My listening area is 10ft x 18ft and  I would like to purchase new speaker. The below are my choices
1. Wilson Audio SabrinaX
2. Avalon PM1
3. Focal Sopra N2
4. Others
Any comments are appreciated



Which amp did you end up with? Not clear on what the 211 tube is. Lampizator? I am about to upgrade into SabX and looking hard at the Octave V70 Class A or the 80 SE. As you know it's not an easy speaker to drive so I'd be interested to know what you are using to successfully drive yours. 



My 211 is customized made by local expertise in Hong Kong. If Octave is your prefer brand then I would like to have v70 class A for SabrinaX.  V80se is unlikely drive well specially for bass control