Speakers choice with Octave v80se

I am currently using Octave v80se which have KT150x4 with Super Black Box. (https://octave.de/en/htdocs/verstaerker/v80se.php) My listening area is 10ft x 18ft and  I would like to purchase new speaker. The below are my choices
1. Wilson Audio SabrinaX
2. Avalon PM1
3. Focal Sopra N2
4. Others
Any comments are appreciated

Showing 1 response by jc51373



Which amp did you end up with? Not clear on what the 211 tube is. Lampizator? I am about to upgrade into SabX and looking hard at the Octave V70 Class A or the 80 SE. As you know it's not an easy speaker to drive so I'd be interested to know what you are using to successfully drive yours. 

