chris..having heard the avalons,which are very good speakers,and the p-8ltds and the c-8 ltds..the best of the 3,imo,is the c-8ltd.again..kr4 is have to hear them,preferrably in your system,to be able to fully differentiate the 2 brands.the piegas.especially the new c-series.are superb speakers.their quality is second to none as is their build/construction.their sound is the best i have heard...the c-10 ltd is better still,different bass drivers but more expensive and if your room is not large the c-8 ltd would be plenty.i have p-10s and will be trading up to the c-10 ltd this year...brightness is not a function of the speaker..mine and the c-series speakers i have heard sound wonderful. good luck...give steve hififarm a call and he can answer all your questions about the differences between the 2.