Speakers: Anything really new under the sun?

After a 20-year hiatus (kids, braces, college, a couple of new roofs, etc.) I'm slowly getting back into hi-fi.  My question: is there really anything significantly new in speakers design/development/materials? I'm a bit surprised that the majority of what I see continues to be some variation of a 2- or 3-way design -- many using off-the-shelf drivers -- in a box (usually MDF at it core) with a crossover consisting of a handful of very common, relatively inexpensive components. I'm asking in all sincerity so please don't bash me. I'm not trying to provoke or prove anything, I'm just genuinely curious. What, if anything, has really changed? Would love to hear from some speaker companies/builders here. Also, before one of you kindly tells me I shouldn't worry about new technologies or processes and just go listen for myself -- I get it -- I'll always let my ear be my guide. However, after 20 years, I'm hoping there's been some progress I may be missing. Also, I unfortunately live in a hifi-challenged part of the country -- the closest decent hifi dealer is nearly 3 hours away -- so I can't just run out and listen to a bunch of new speakers. Would appreciate your insights. 


Showing 7 responses by roxy54

I think that it’s pretty much true of all of the heroically inert cabinet designs that they are successful in making the speakers "disappear" as sources, but I agree with fsonicsmith in thinking that it is not an overall solution to sound that is superior to other cabinet design philosophies. I personally just bought a pair of Spendor SP100’s for the second time after a hiatus with other speakers, and their cabinets are far from dead, but they are very successful in communicating the music.

And then what pedroeb? Connect the wire to speaker baskets and then put the other end where? 


You're right about the Devores, which are great speakers, but they are definitely unusual in the world of tower speakers.


I still don't know what you're referring to. Floorstanders have been slim for many years now. I can't think of one that's wide.

"Nobody wants your used floor standers. They come cheap."


A lot of what you said makes sense and I agree, but that statement doesn't make sense because the category of floorstanding speakers is bigger and more popular than stand mounted speakers, and many of those speakers are among the most costly and desirable. 

I would say that it's down to refinements of existing technologies and passive components for crossovers. I believe that with all of the time that's passed, the ultimate success of any speaker is down to the talent of the person or persons who voice the speaker, even though of course the final sound is partially dictated by the room that it's used in.