Speakers after Infinity Kappa 9

I am looking for new speakers that have Inifinity Kappa 9's sounds. Do you have speakers company to recommend? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by jsd52756

Glad to see this post. I own the Rennasaince 90's pushed by a Krell FPB300cx. Every once in a while I get the itch to buy new(er) speakers. I would love to hear some Eggleston Andra II's. But alas, no dealer in Calif. from what the mfg. emailed me last year. The Andra'a size seem like a good match for replacements, and they are awesome looking in the photos. BUT were talking 20-plus big ones to buy the andras. It would have to be something really special to make me swap out the 90's. Good luck with your quest.