Speaker upgrade to a large room

Hello everyone, I’d appreciate your input on the speaker / sub upgrade I want to do in my great room that is over 1000 SF big with 25’ high ceiling , big part of ceiling and walls  is glass (terrible acoustic) . Current equipment is :AMPS :MC 1.2 kw x2 amp , MC601 center ch , MC 452 surround . Processor Macintosh C 53 and Marantz 5508 for movies .Streamer :HIFI  Rose 150B. Speakers: Wilson Audio Sasha - main , WA Watch - center , Large I wall Speakercraft - Surround , Velodyne DD 15 -Sub.in order to pressurize this large room that even opens further to kitchen and foyer area I am debating between Wilson Audio Alexia 2 to Alexx along with twin REL CARBON SPECIAL subs .are the subs needed if I get the Alexx which is a true full size speaker ? Will the Alexia 2 with the twin REL be sufficient? Budget wise : Approximately $25K difference from a used Alexx to Alexia 2 plus $7K cost of the twin subs if needed .

Thank you 


Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

First. Beautiful system and room. 

If it was my system I would work on improving the venue. I am sure it can be done tastefully with acoustic panels and large throw rugs. Sorry to keep asking for more, but views of all angles of the whole room would be helpful. But before I invested in bigger speaker and or more subwoofers I would see how much improvement you can get. 

Often if the room is not dampened enough then you end up turning up the volume to reach a satisfying level. With high ceilings and an undampened room you could end up overloading it. 

Also, given the other equipment I'd probably improve the streamer first. But, not the question you asked. 

I hope this is helpful.

It would be really helpful to see your system as it is today. There is a place to create a virtual system with photos and to identify your components under your user ID. This would really help making recommendations .