Speaker Upgrade Recommendation for Current Analog System - under $10,000 Budget

Music lovers/audiophiles, looking for input.
Considering a speaker upgrade to full range, floorstanders. Current analog system setup - recent full upgrade to Jolida JD 202 intergated amp. (40 watts), VPI Scout w JM 9 arm, Benz Mirco L2 cart, Tyler Acoustic Reference Monitors, ACI Force sub, Jolida JD 100 CD player. Have enjoyed current system for 15+ yrs. COVID and my location presents a challenge to auditioning. Based on articles and reviews narrowed considerartion to Salk Songbird3 BeAT, GoldenEar Triton One.R, Nola Contender S3. Refined to GoldenEar and Nola speakers. Seems GoldenEar may be the easiest for place in room. Reviews show them to share simular sound signature. Alternative option: switch out ACI Force for two Rythmik F12G subs, upgrade phono pre-amp and call it a day.
Listening room - 12' X 30' (configuration - odd shaped third floor (main room has window well, with narrow 6 ft. hallway to steps w/ separate room by steps). Favorite genries: Jazz and R&B, however, love music (1500 LP's). Probably last system change, looking at retirement with more time to enjoy my music. Appreciate the input.              

Showing 4 responses by wah8dy

Thanks to all, as you see don't use site to post often. Normally just read discusions & reviews to stay oin top of things (Audiogon'ers rock). Not looking for wall thumbing bass; detail, acurracy, CJ CD, Sony DVD). Many of the suggestions seem to focus on music & video based speakers. Looking exclusively for 2 channel music, got separate system in family room for HT (Anthem MRX 520, AE Aegis 1,3, center and sub, Pioneer 55 HD TV). I'm an old school, if its good stay with it. Leaning now towards Nola Contender S3 and LSA 20 Statements & Signatures. Anyone heard Raven CeLest speaker?        
JRW1971- I live on Salisbury, Maryland Eastern Shore. Thank you for the input and audition offer. May be in touch. I'm leaning heavily towards the Nola Contender S3. Found a dealer who will sell me a new pair for $5500 ($6900 list) shipped from factory. Once I find out return/audiiton policy for Contenders that may be my move. Second place at this point are LSA 20 Statements, they have 30-day audiiton policy ( 10% restocking +shipping cost). Outside consideration Raven CeLest. 
Thanks to all fellow Audiogon'ers for your insights and input. Learned alot of new brands I never heard of before. Learned I can get excellant speakers under $7000 and save "mad money" for a new pre-phono amp. Prior to COVID, I visited high-end audio stores across the country when on the road for my job. Listening sessions were my past-time when I had free moments. Missed thoughs days.
Still open to suggestions, probably looking to stay under $7000 thanks to the suggestions provided.             
Here's where I am. Taking MOFOJO's recommendation and considering purchase of a Bob Carver Crimson 275 amp and VTP-10 Octave LP-1R pre. Speaker tpo choices - LSA 20 Statement (bang for the buck by most reviews), Nola Contender S3 (initial first choice, easy to posiiton) and Legacy Signature SE (excellant ratings, not fussy to position). 
  Which of the three will provide detailed bass response, incredible dynamics, smooth detailed treble, neutral midrange, good imaging & soundstaging and be true to the source material?
  I've got approx. 1500 LP's - jazz, 70-80's R&B, Blues. sizable no. of CD's and 1Mii B06 wireless Audio adapter for bluetooth sources.   
Anyone know what material the LSA Statement 20 cabinets are made of, MDF? Seems I saw an article suggesting it was pressed particle board not MDF. That would bring into question its durability long term. Also indicated painted exterior and coats of lacquers vs lacquered veneer? 
Lost were I saw the discussion. If these things are true my take on the speakers a gem would be re-evaluated.