Speaker upgrade

I am planning on upgrading my speakers. I have the following equipment:

B & W 802N speakers
Jeff Rowland M301 amps
Jeff Rowland Synergi IIi preamp
Wadia 270 SE tansport
Harmonix 777 DAC
Audio Magic Power conditioners

I listen to mostly female and male voaclists and older jazz. I am currently happy with the sound that I am getting but I have extra funds at this time and want to upgrade my speakers. My budget is around $10,000. I will sell the speakers after I sell the new ones and use that money to buy the Jeff Rowland 302 amp. What is out there that is a must audition speaker for a 15' x 30' listening sapce? Thanks again for any suggestions.
I would have to strongly disagree with Asonicyouth on JMlabs. I own a pair of Micro-Utopias and they are anything but boomy. They sound fantastic on vocals, so much so that if I ever have the budget I wouldn't hesitate to upgrade within the line, they're that good.
For vocals especially female, the most neutral speakers I have heard are the Wisdom Audio line up. There are a few M-50's for a bargain in the classified and with the left over money you could buy another Rowland 302 amp. But you will need to bi-amp them with the active brain. The M-50's have phenomenal sound when it is set up properly and "tuned" to the room.
For my experience, I would also suggest the JM labs. Not sure what equipment or room set-up Asonicyouth listened to with the Focals, but my Micro Utopia Be's are singing sweet music with my Ayre V1xe, BAT 51SE, and Ayre CDP in a near-field listening environment.
It is a wierd room. 16x14 with one side opening into a amuch larger room and a strange ceiling that limits listening position to a very small area for bass reproduction. As with any speaker I recomend auditioning it at home. If your dealer won't let you... find another dealer.

Good luck!