speaker upgrade

It is time to upgrade my speakers. I am currently using Audio Physic Virgos. I am impressed with the speed and detail. They even have decent bass after I learned how to drive them properly. The current choice is an upgrade to Audio Physic Calderas, but before I spend that much money, I am looking for other suggestions. I have auditioned and rejected Hales Transcendance, Dunlavy Mark 4A, and Martin Logan Monoliths. The system is an upgraded McCormick DNA-1 amp, Placette full active preamp, Audio Research CDT-1 and DAC3 Mark II. Power cables and interconnects have been upgraded. Budget is $12k. Any suggestions, picks or pans?

Showing 1 response by eg1

I was in your same position about a year ago and listened to many of the same speakers you have mentioned. After auditioning Dunlavy SC-IV/A, B+W N801/802, Avalon, Eggleston, Dynaudio, Wilson, Aerial, Thiel, Martin Logan, etc., I finally purchased the Revel Studios. After a year of ownership, I am still impressed at how live recorded music sounds through them. As for Audio Physic, I was very impressed by the Libras and felt that the Virgos, for their price, were the best in their class. Hope this helps.