Speaker upgrade

Good morning all, hope everyone is well.

My planned HIFI change for 2023 is a change in loudspeakers. My top contenders are JBL L100, Klipsch Forte IV or Corwall IV’s, another couple I am very interested in are the Volit Razz, and possibly the Paradigm F80.

System consists of Rogue RP-1, Rogue Atlas Mag III, Line Magnetic CD-24, MOFI Master deck and Master tracker.

Room is an untreated living room 15x15, hardwood with thick throw rug and lightly furnished.

I have listened to the Klipsch and the Paradigm, enjoyed them both. They are different animals as one would imagine.

I listen to mostly Jazz, Rock and "American Roots" (not modern country).

Thoughts and suggestions appreciated.

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Showing 4 responses by grislybutter


seriously ? Did he say that as soon as they arrived, he wanted to rip the speaker into pieces, replace parts and put them back together?


I know little about the engineering part but why wouldn't Klipsch implement your $10 magic for such a huge gain?

@waytoomuchstuff ok that make sense.

Klipsch seems like a big and competitive brand and they must know what they are doing