Speaker Thoughts - YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 vs Magico S5 MK II

I own Magico S5 MK II Speakers and love them but curious what the YG folks think? I have never heard the YG Speakers and am curious what folks think. I have heard good things about YG. A little better dynamics and bass but would love some others feedback. 




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Showing 6 responses by daveyf

Sonja vs Magico M...I would probably go with Sonja...depending on room size and which Sonja model. Magico M's are a little bit of a one trick pony at that price point, IME. The big Sonja 2.3's or the XV's are pretty special, albeit with their immense power requirement up stream. Flea powered tube amps ( maybe even normal powered tube amps??) need not apply! 
@smodtactical I have heard the Magico M2. I thought it was a little thin sounding, particularly in comparison to other competing speakers in the same price range. The imaging was ok, but again I think it can be bettered by other speakers at or below its price point.
@sciencecop thanks for that...very informative and very assumptive. Great post. Sorry my prior post hurt your very tender and sensitive feelings.
On the thread on the analog forum section titled: Direct Drive vs.Idler Drive vs. Belt Drive

Member neonknight posted this: "I am noticing something about you. It appears you are one of these people who believe that your choices are the only correct way to do things in this hobby. If others disagree with you or have a different perspective then they are misguided or ignorant. Audio is a journey and there are many pathways to take, and folks often have a different destination in mind and value a different perspective of what they get to hear and experience."

I think that sums up a ton of folks on these forums...and I couldn’t have put it better!
I think YG's are superb. BUT you had better have a VERY powerful ss amp to drive them. I am not sure that a tube amp with less than 300 watts/ch would suffice. Whereas the OP's current Magico is an easier load. What amp are you using to drive the Magico's?