Speaker suggestions?

I'd welcome suggestions for speakers to audition. I presently use ADS L710s with an Adcom 535 amp and an Adcom 555 preamp. My source is a Teac cd changer. My room is 14x22x8(high) with hardwood floors but a fair amount of stuffed furniture. My listening position is about 7-8 feet from the speakers. I almost never listen at loud levels (no more than 9 o'clock on the volume dial.) Due to spouse and furniture, the speakers must be placed within 6" of one 14' wall, one on each side of a 8' window (i.e., basically against the wall, and within 2-3' of the sidewalls). I listen to a lot of solo piano music, small group jazz, female vocals, some chamber classical, and some choral. With this equipment and my space limitations, I think I need speakers that are "forgiving." The kind of improvement I'd most like is more better quality piano and less of the "boxiness" that I often hear. Any suggestions for speakers for $2,000 or less, new or used (and that would have to include stands for monitors). Thanks in advance.

Jim Crane

Showing 1 response by bigkidz

Silverline Audio and Meadowlark are also very good prices and especially since they have new models coming out, the old ones are being sold pretty cheap.

Happy Listening.