Speaker styles / sound

I don’t have a lot of experience with different speakers, so am looking for input regarding two styles of speakers and their associated sonic characteristics.  How does a standard floorstander like a Monitor Audio PL300ii sound vs. something like a Devore O96?  I understand the ability to drive the Devore with less power, but with each properly matched to an amp, what is the difference in their sound profiles?


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

These are going to be vastly different sounding speakers. If I understand you correctly these are $12K speakers. A choice like this requires careful matching of electronic with the speakers and with your tastes in kinds of music and the character you are going for. Typically a well matched system will have say 25 - 30% in the speakers... I have typically had the ratio in driving electronics higher. Do you like highly detailed sound, natural, bass heavy... what kind of music? Rock, Jazz, classical, world, all?

To learn the character you want to read reviews from professional reviewers... ones that understand the vocabulary of high end sound. Think Strereophile, The Absolute Sound, Tone, Positive Feedback. Don’t listen too much to forum posts until you are completely familiar with the literature. Professional reviewers have much wider experience and work to try and give unbiased views. While most forum people will as well they generally have very narrow experience and one of two experiences may have strongly shaped their views.