Speaker Stands for B&W Matirx 803s

I own the B&W matrix 803 series II speakers and I would like some speaker stand recommendations. The speakers are on carpet with cement floors (and padding)underneath. I looked at the Sound Anchors but they only seem to add some stability to the speakers and I would prefer stands that will also add some weight.

Your thoughts and comments are appreciated.

Thanks and Happy Listening.

i'm using granite surface plates under my Rocket 750's (with a viscoelastic pad between the carpet and granite, sorbothane between the granite and the speakers). the cost was pretty reasonable, the results are awesome, and i couldn't be happier. send me an email if you're interested in the details.

here are some images
Eventhough they are not the most attractive stands, cinder blocks work great (cheap too).
I own Matrix 803s and had the Sound Anchor people make a pair of 7" tall stands that are virtually a short version of their monitor stands - 3 legs, large footprint, 3 large spike feet. It is a great combination both visually and soncially. It elevates the mid-range driver to an ideal heighth for my listening position.

Good luck and happy listening,
The Sound Anchors are actually very heavy for their size. You can also open the ends and add lead shot or sand to make them even heavier. I also highly recommend them. They are probably the only stand maker that have stands that are made to fit and work well with that particular speaker.