Speaker stand height

I have a pair of PSB Stratus Minis on their factory 25" stands, but these seem too tall for my room/listening position. My listening chair is somewhat low and laid back and this i do not want to change. So I was thinking of buying lower stands so that the speakers are closer to my ear but am worried about messing up the overal tonal balance of my PSB's. Should i Be worried about the sound changing too much with lower stands, or will it simply give me more bass and a more direct sound?

btw iv'e experimented with putting these speakers on 10" concrete blocks, with a title to compensate for the height, and this seemed to make the sound much fuller. This was many years ago though and my memory could be fooling me.

Showing 4 responses by dave123456

So since the PSB's are designed to beam the sound upwards, then I could probabaly get away with 18"-22" stands and not use any kind of tilt but also get the benefits of having the drivers closer to the floor.

I had a few more questions regarding metal vs mdf stands. My factory PSB stands are mdf and was wondering is my PSB's were designed to be used with this type of stand, or was it simply a cost thing that prevented them to be sold with metal stands. Also, if the height and filling are the same, what are the major differences between wood and metal stands?

Lewhite, your idea of beaming the speakers upwards to avoid side reflections is very interesting and would like to know more about how this is done. My stereo is in a very small bedroom, and im certain that side wall reflections are a factor.

Do you aim the speakers more towards the center of the lisening position, or keep the toe in the same and simply tilt the speaker?

Thanks for the help guys
Does anyone know if its ok to fill stands with BB's, or will they rattle. I checked out leadshot at my local gun store and they wanted $50.00 for a 25lb bag, which is pretty expensive. Copper BB's from walmart would cost much less and the weight is about the same.

Is leveling powder heavier than kitty litter? I filled up my stands about 1/3 with 18,000 steel bb's in each stand, and then used kitty litter for the rest. This still doesnt seem heavy enough for me and was thinking of switching out the litter for something else.