Speaker sensitivity

How does sensitivity affect the sound, if at all? Or does it only allow you to run lower powered amps as the efficiency goes up? I'm wondering if all things are equal, will higher sensitivity result in a more dynamic presentation?
Sensitivity is not the only thing to consider. I have owned high sensitivity speakers that were not easy to drive. A speaker's impedance curve and the complexity of the crossover can be much more important.
How does sensitivity affect the sound, if at all? Or does it only allow you to run lower powered amps as the efficiency goes up? I'm wondering if all things are equal, will higher sensitivity result in a more dynamic presentation?
vortrex02-01-2012 12:19pm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1) how does sensitivity affect sound (performance)?

By a  significant magrin when listening to full symphony orchestra

2) ideally best SET amps for wide band, but I have heard PP amps can also be employed. I have heard, can't say for sure,. Now the EL34 amps, now here is the best of both worlds, lower power vs 88PP amps  and has  some of the finesse of the SET tubes. 
So ideally the EL34 is the most perfect tube  design for wide band speakers
3) Yes higher sensitivity = higher dynamics. The higher up the sens scale you go, the more expensive are the drivers. 
xovers tend to suck the life out the music. 
Whereas wide band high sensitivity drivers  opens the musical river blockages. 
Which makes sense, wideband, no xover interference.. All the k's of components within the source/line stage/amp,  which the signal  has to pass through, now has free flow to the driver.

Like a  gushing river of musical sound. 
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