Speaker recommendation

I’m looking to buy a speaker in the $4000-5000 range. I was very impressed with the GoldenEar Trton 1 speaker I heard at a friend’s house, and I know the Tekton DI is very well thought of on this forum.
 I listen to mostly classical music, some Diana Krall and the like, and also big band music.
Any other suggestions?

Showing 2 responses by dorkwad


To be honest, it's not my preferred genre.  I listen to all kinds of music, at different levels.  I'm not one that likes a speaker for only a couple types of music.  I do have some classical albums--maybe 12-15 total.  I would be amazed if classical didn't also sound very good on either.  I'll be putting the Joules on my Sistrum SP-101 platforms as soon as I can get some help doing so.  It will improved the sound in all ways making it more like live music.  I know the Dahlquist DQ-10s very well--never heard the 20s, however.  That was one of my early high end dream speakers when I was just out of college.  I liked many aspects of the sound, but they don't come alive like either of these 2 speakers.  Their bass is just respectable.  


I have your amps and then had them modded by Bob Smith at TDSS with his level 3 upgrades.  The basic sound of the Ref 9's stayed the same which I already loved.  His mods just made them much better in all ways--call it at least a 30% improvement.  I've heard these amps with 5 different speakers and it was by all who heard, the best each has ever sounded.  

I've heard the GE 1's, the DI SE's, and Bill Dion's (grannyring) heavily modded DI's with better drivers, wiring direct to each driver and improved crossover parts--which were better sounding than the DI SE's.  My friend now owns Bill's pair of DI's.  With my amps driving them, they were a speaker you could love in all ways--not as much with different amps driving them.  They had it all--clarity, deep soundstage, jumping deep bass, with dynamics that didn't end.  The GE's were very good, but I wouldn't have traded for them.  They weren't as involving as I'd like. That pair of DI's modded were excellent and VERY involving speakers with very good bass and clarity with the right amp--one just like yours--plus upgrades.

I had a pair of VMPS RM40 BCSE MLS speakers for 5 years that are very good.  They are now replaced with my speaker for life, the 2 piece Vapor Audio Joule Black with several upgrades to them.  I got them for an extremely reasonable price used.  The Joules are my speaker to die for and have been for a few years since I heard them at Axpona.  This particular pair just seem to have NO weaknesses.  They open up all the different music to being very listenable on mediocre recordings to awesome on good ones.  They scale volume like no speaker like no speaker I've ever owned with these mono amps--I have to be careful with the volume control--I value my hearing.
