Speaker power rating and amplification???

Stage one: I own a pair of B&W DM604 S2's that have a power rating on the rear of the speaker listed at 150W. Stage two: I have an Acurus A150 2 CH amp that has a power rating of 150W per CH. Question: Is this too much power for the speakers? What considerations need be addressed here. I also have an Acurus A80 with a rating of 80W per CH if the A150 is too much power. Any suggestions on how to correctly match power to speakers and are there any rules of thumb to be followed here? I don't want to do any damage to the speakers with too much power.

Thanks for your time and advice.
Thanks for the responses. The speakers in question are rated at: 90db, which I am assuming from the above comments means that either amp will do a good job driving the speakers? I plan on attempting to utilize both before making a decision on which to use. Strange finding, the owners manual states Power handling: 25-200W continuous into 8ohm while the back of the speaker shows 150W max. amp power?
Low powered amplifiers driven to clipping are more likely to damage a speaker than too much power. Distortion is what takes out most drivers unless there is a severe mismatch in terms of power sent to the speaker. In your case, either will work just fine.
Careful use of the volume control will ensure that you don't damage the speaker. At a reasonable volume, you will be operating either amplifier within it's linear range, ie, you will not clip. Accordingly, you will not damage the speakers. All other things being EXACTLY equal (and they never are;), you would probably be hard pressed to tell the difference between the 150W amp and the 80W amp. At 90dB, you are in good shape with either, enjoy.

If a car has a top speed of 150Mph its going to an effortless trot when driving at 60Mph. I do believe you will be able to tell the difference between the two amps and would prefer the 150W one.
Thanks for the reply. I am currently running the A150 and have noticed "more dial" regarding volume. Also the speakers need not be turned up as far on the volume dial to get the same level of output as when powered by the Pioneer. The soundstage has improved, and there are details in the music not heard before, all of which are good things.
Thanks for the advice and just an aside your system looks amazing, bet it sounds even better.