Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?

Went to a recent seminar featuring Jim Smith, well known author of the book  "Get Better Sound"  and hi fi set up guru.

The basic gist of the discussion was that the most important elements of a high end stereo installation are listening position and speaker positioning, in that order.  The actual hardware (speakers, amplifiers, source, cables etc) are of less importance relatively speaking.

Yet it is clear from this web site and it's contents, that set up is discussed much less than the actual hardware.

When I look at the Virtual Systems page on site, I'm estimating that, maybe, 10% of the systems posted are close to well set up.  Thus, hardly any of the featured hardware is performing close to it's maximum potential.

Shame, and why is it so?  Not sexy enough to talk about system set up in depth?  Lack of knowledge?  Or is it simply too hard to do and too complex a subject?

Just my 2 cents ...


Showing 6 responses by grannyring

Yes indeed @johnk. I will add that sometimes looking at pictures can be misleading. I have the Fyne F704 speakers which are one model above Jim Smith’s speaker. I have also upgraded the crossovers with top notch parts.

I worked with a dealer who is very skilled at listening and speaker set-up and after some 3 hours we had them pulled far away from side and front walls with ideal toe in. Our listening room is also our living room. No TV. We wanted that way so we could have music playing in our home often. Open concept home and the room is very large with 10 foot ceilings

Well, I decided to try something different and placed the speakers in the corners some 13 feet apart inside edge to inside edge. They are only 12-14 inches from the side walls and some 4 feet from the wall behind them. They are toed in pointing almost at my head. Really midway between my ears and shoulders The room is far more at play now. Yes, the room is impacting the sound more in this position. However, we all like the resulting sound better! Most all would say the before picture would sound better. Pictures don’t and can’t tell the whole story.

Your speaker’s design, unique room characteristics, furnishings and subjective sonic priorities all come into play.

It would be nice if your posts would stop generalizing about the ignorance and ineptness of most other audiophiles. Just a thought for you today. Enjoy your music and I do find your tweaks and builds most interesting. 

Actually, you may be surprised how good speakers can sound near, 1 - 1.5 feet, from side walls. Depends on many factors I pointed to in a previous post. My findings based on doing many hours of listening tests with speakers not necessarily sold for corner placement. Be careful with absolute type statements in audio. They rarely, if ever,  turn out to be absolute and universal.


I can safely share this one absolute statement.  You must try all the various placement and listening positions options available in your space. Pick the one that sounds best to you. It may mirror conventional wisdom, or not!