Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!

So many audiophiles have commented that when your room treatment is completed, your electronics set up and tweaked and most importantly, your speakers are set up in your listening space correctly that you'll know it because everything just sounds so "right" and natural.  I just accomplished that feat in the last two weeks.  I say two weeks because I needed to play a wide variety of recordings to be sure that I'm there.  It is so great to have finally hit just the right set up.

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that it has taken me well over a year of experimentation to get to this point.  It's not that other placements yielded poor quality sound its just that now everything sounds like a live event (as much as any of our systems can).

I would really appreciate hearing about your journey to the promised land of audiophile/music lover bliss.  How long did it take, what were the most difficult aspects of the journey?  And if you have yet to get there, what do  you think is the "brick in your wall"?

Showing 11 responses by tomic601

while we are at it..
why not have a wearable helmholtz suit...thinking tge big suit from talking heads with 40 or fifty water bottles attached...
i prefer Woodford over water but we can take that up with
god, dog, particle, field, gravity well, all create a positive, neutral or negative expectation bias...

unless we pay the spouse to introduce unknown change....

god, dog, particle, field, gravity well, all create a positive, neutral or negative expectation bias...

unless we pay the spouse to introduce unknown change....

that must be why all those nice recordings i make at church sound so honked up at 15 ips....i can hear those preamp tubes telling the ribbons “ kill the plants for Jesus”

which does bring up a good point....ever notice all those live plants in the Vandy booths at shows all over the world ?

i can always smell the roses when i play this

” take me down little Suzie, take me down”

Dead Flowers by The Rolling Stones

play it loud !,,,
i am blessed
been connected one way or another with Vandersteen for going on 35 years now
works for me
yes the slopes ceiling and multitudes of openings , stairwells provide a varied acoustic 
just a fellow traveler on the quest
I have noticed that as I drain the resonant bowl next to my right hand the image tends to deepen and the bloom comes off the rose and floats right over Diana Krall Head....

Hifiman5 forgive me for first words should have been congratulations!!!! 

In short yes 11 bands of EQ , Q and level helpful as is the laser jig used to aim the 7
those along with math and Vandertones are the starting point for good sound.

a comment about rooms from RV : most dedicated rooms are sterile and lack natural diffraction- i can assure you with books, music, art furniture, the odd this and that including a sleeping Labrador, we lack not in natural diffraction!
my currrnt space needs much less EQ than most - with 4 openings a very high slopes ceiling, loft, etc - it does not need much tuning...
my listening room is a living room of sorts so i have a few constraints that preclude a lot of speaker related tweaks other than trying to stick to the “ hocus pocus” formula of the hard physics of node creation. My choice of speaker includes 11 bands of EQ below 120 HZ so getting that right, tweaking level and Q on the sub consumes a few hours...
i do have 5 dedicated circuits and some ground float cheaters and some isolation tweaks but overall the hours put in were not excessive...