Speaker placement

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has heard of Bob Robbins speaker placement system and tried it or actually hired Bob himself. I have a difficult room and instead of fumbling around trying different speaker positions with inexperienced listening skills would I be better off hiring Bob? I would also be open to suggestions on speaker placement from everyone here as well. Thanks! 

Showing 1 response by ozzy

It looks like your room would work fine for home theater.
For 2 channel as has been stated the Focal's should be brought out into the room about a 1/3 of the way, sit about a 1/3 of the way back and with the other 1/3 behind you. Then experiment with the distance from the side walls, min of 3 feet from side wall. You want to move them inside until the center image is where you like it.

These are just starting points but adjust from there.
