Speaker output is wimpy

I have a reinkus hienz speaker on stage for foldback. We flooded due to hurricane Harvey and replacing everything now. Everything works fine except for this one speaker. But it’s not the speaker... I put another speaker (same model) there and same thing. 

I replaced all the amps with brand new ones. Only thing the same is wiring. I thought that might have been damaged in flood but all other wiring works fine. We have 12 amps and after replacing them all the speakers work fine. 

The amp pushing the reinkus is a crown xdi4300(?) the 4 channel version. 3 of the other channels are pushing same speaker models just in diff locations and all work fine. 

Thinking it may be one channel of that amp, I ran that input and output to another amp (new as well) and same result. 

So I took off wall plate where that speaker is connected and everything looks good there. 

What am am I missing? Signal into amp is fine. Signal is getting to speaker but sounds very thin with no volume. I traded out amps, speakers, and the cable from wall to that speaker. Everything works except that location. 

Any my thoughts would be appreciated. 
If I understand you correctly, you have inner wall wiring, with a junction that terminates at a wall plate?  If you have tried and eliminated  everything else, it must be the wall plate connection.  Try bypassing the wall plate wiring and run the speaker direct.  You must have a dirty connector.