Speaker match with Pass Labs XA-160

Just upgraded to XA-160 monos. Currently running X-350 with an X-1 pre. Speakers are Audio Physic Virgo IIs with REL Storm III subs in stereo config. Any thoughts on full range speakers that would match well with these gems.

Showing 10 responses by gandme

I may be mistaken. But I believe he states there are no speakers that present a load that is troublesome to the XA-160. He does say for large speakers that are not very efficient the X-600.5 is probably a better choice. We are talking extremes here.
Thank you all for your thoughts and insights. I will be keeping my Virgos and Rel Subs no matter what I purchase in the a full range speaker. My short list: Audio Physic Avante III, Wilson Watt 7s or possibly B&W 802Ds.
To Raul
I believe it is possible to intergrate Stereo subs into your system. Just overlap the rolloff points to suit the room responce. My Virgos rolloff at approx 38 hertz I set my Rels crossovers to approx 40. Works well with good recordings... not so well with others... But one always has the option of adjusting Sub volume or crossover points for each recording... a big advantage over full range speakers. Hey nothings perfect!
Thanks again all!
I understand your what you are saying. I do not think you understand my point... It is the room and the recording that makes the difference. Setting my Rels up to 80 hertz, in my room.... I could surf on the low level wave created by my room response. My Virgos are not bass shy. They are rated to 34 hertz, they are not bookself speakers. When I (as you call reinforce the bass) I also effect changes in the midrange that are very appealing and not minor events that are hard to hear. My crossover points and sub volume may change w/some recordings, but if I had nothing to do but listen to the music..... I would not feel like a true Stereo operator. Ha!
I hope you enjoy your system as much as I. I truly enjoy the exchange of views.
Cheers, Greg
Duke, I do not want to limit my experience to what I'm listening to now. Moving up from a Pass X-350 to the XA-160s is a large leap. Will my current setup do them justice? I have never heard true full range speakers in my room and I do not want to limit my audio quest with the feeling "I'm done" where is the fun in that! I thought with this thread people would jump onto their keyboards to sing the praises of the best XA - full range combo they have heard. I got a recommendation for Wilson 7s. But everyone else is way too logical. You now how hard it is to audition large high end speaker in your own room. That is why so many of us are members of this fine club...we get valuable information from informed, experianced Audiophiles. So yes I am looking for a different experience....not that my current one is lacking. But I know there is no end in sight... searching for audio heaven.
Apparently Jack Nickelson(Cdma)didn't understand this thread or is lost without a purpose.
This thread also ended up in a Wine tasting room with some none related commentary, "dry and airy with a lingering analytical nose"!
Thanks for the heads up on the 802Ds. My plan was to bi-amp with X600.5s and my XA-160s for the mids and highs. It does not look like it's going to happen in the near future. My wife, who I love dearly, is showing signs of concern for my mental stability combined with a unhealthy dose of mistrust and disbelief. I may even have to sell my XA-160s. I think I will lick my wounds and fight this battle another day! If I do get the 802Ds and manage to hold on to my XA-160s, I can bi-amp with my X-350 for now.
I had also planned to upgrade my X-1 pre to an X-0.2....c'est la vie!
Cheers, Greg
Boa, The problem with the Andra IIs... very hard to find on the used market.
Anyone heard Talon matched up with Pass gear?
I think the problem is... I would not ship a large heavy pair of high end speaker across the country. I would rather find a pair in N. Cal, used.... I have not seen one yet.
tvad, I just neglected to add your name to my last comment!
Boa, I did appreciate the recommendation for the Andra IIs, several members decided at some point to disregard the original thread to become 12 year old standup comedians(you being one of them with an apologetic opinion of those stuck listing to Pass gear)
When I started this thread, I had no idea what Speakers were in combo with XA-160s out in the Audiogon community. I have Audio Physic Virgo IIs in my system with no other pre conceived opinions of what works well with these fine Amps. Boa's critique of the Pass sound indicates he does not like the differences in recordings(good or bad)He would like them all to sound the same! There are many great Amps in this world, most reproduce the recorded sound without putting a heavy signature of their own upon it. Pass Labs accomplishes this as good as any manufacturer. If you don't like their signature do not respond to threads that you have no interest in. I suggest you have your hearing checked, and seek help with your obsesesive/compulsive behavior.

There seems to be a portion of the Audiophile community with nothing to say and too much time on their hands.

Islandbird, thank you for the recommendation, a pair of Firebirds just recently sold in Monterey, I'm close enough... I could have picked them up! I have never heard them, but have heard good things about them. I would like not to exceed $10,000... these Firebirds were $18,000! Any comments on the Von Schweikert VR-7s put on sale today?
Boa,Bartokfan....I don't find myself inclined to contribute to a thread if I have no interest in the subject. You have obviously involved yourself in this decussion with no interest but disruption. If you don't care for the "Pass sound" why waste your superior opinion on such matters?