speaker match Primaluna Premium

Starting to think about a speaker upgrade. Any advice on what the difference would be in paring a Primaluna Dialogue Premium with Sonus Faber Olympica 1 versus Harbeth 7ES-3 ?
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Bob_reynolds wrote:

"If you have the power amp as reviewed in Stereophile ... I would pay particular attention to its output impedance."

Excellent advice, and excellent subsequent explanation of that advice.

From time to time we come across someone dropping a high-output-impedance tube amp into their existing system, getting poor results, and predictably blaming the amp.  A closer look will show that there was a mismatch between amp and speakers, often along exactly the lines Bob pointed out, wherein the speaker's impedance curve is wrong for that type of amplifier.  This does of course reduce the speaker choices available for such an amplifier, but those who have taken care to match such amps with appropriate speakers are usually quite happy with the results. 


bob ;

"Thus, a speaker with a fairly flat impedance curve will yield a smoother frequency response . "

Can you elaborate on " a fairly flat impedance curve " please ?

Maybe some number ranges . 

Thanks .

To see some fairly flat impedance curves take a look at my web page which shows some of my designs impedance curves verses other name brand models. Google any loudspeaker and see if they have a Stereophile review and check out the curves of them. Unless they use series crossovers, standard crossover impedance curves usually look like a mountain range with large peaks and valleys. With a tube amp, this will result in an uneven frequency response with bumps and suck-outs due to the fact that tube amps will deliver more power to the frequencies with the higher impedance peaks.

Disclaimer- I'm Fritz, the builder of FritzSpeakers

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Thanks bob . 

  Except for the Vandersteen 3a's , they look better than my Dicapo i's . Pitiful , because I thought that the Dicapo i's were pretty decent with tubes !

Happy Tunes . 

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Thank you bob , that is good to know .

This is why I asked for some numbers to relate to . When I compared the Di Capo i graph to some of the others , it did not look nearly as flat . But I was not sure how much of a variance was acceptable .

Good luck .