Speaker jumpers

I have a pair of 805 Diamonds with the stock jumpers in place.Has anybody replaced these with upgraded jumper wires and got better sound?Do you think it would make a noticeable improvement?Factory jumpers look pretty wimpy for expensive speakers.Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

At the risk of voiding the warranty, take a peek inside.

Duplicate the internal wiring.

Other than that, I'll vote with jl35; match your speaker lines.

Any other 'esoteria'....well, it's your $.  Do what you want. *shrug*  MHO.
jl, yup.

This begins to read like any of the other cable conundrum columns that roil on and teeter into personal jabs and trolling.  They look like soccer scrums, a lot of energy expended with the crowd divided over who will prevail.

Funny for awhile, dissipating into boredom over the SOS.

'Scuse me, but....*Yawn*