Speaker in car boot on hot day

I'm very sorry for wasting your time with such a stupid question, I deep down know it's fine, but I just wanna be sure, I'm a little OCD, as you can probably tell.

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I drive this car: https://www.carsales.com.au/cars/details/2020-mg-mg3-core-auto-my20/SHRM-AD-6089752/?Cr=1

I bought this: https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/amazon-echo-with-alexa-gen-4-twilight-blue

I put it in the boot, which I believe is called a trunk in America. I didn't take it out of the box, or the bag. I did some other stuff after, so it was in there for about four hours. It seems like a fairly hot day today.

After doing a tiny bit of research, it seems like heat can damage a speaker. However, I'm too lazy to read the details, I'm sure it has to be in circumstances very different to this.

But just confirming, there's no chance it will make even a tiny difference to the sound, right? I mostly got it for the music.


Showing 1 response by sgreg1

Do you think that they were delivered from the manufacture to the store in a temperature controlled container? How many days do you think they sat in the back of the semi container before delivered and off loaded? How long did they sit in the warehouse in heat? How many days was the box in a container on the hot ship crossing the ocean to get to the semi that took it to the warehouse where it was picked up and delivered to the store? Get my point