Speaker grill material, any real difference?

I need to replace the speaker grill material on a pair of Infinity Renaissance 90 speakers. After looking online there really is not much out there. It all seems to be the basic $15 a yard stuff. Is this what all the mfg's use? Or is there an "audiophile grade" material. I would hate to think I am spending only $30 when I could fork out the big bucks.

Showing 2 responses by jsd52756

After Shakti Stones and breaking in power cables I figured this would fit right in.
I'am ready for the flak now.
Granted anything will affect the sound, I like the way they sound with the grills on. Actually the manual states to leave them on as well. I think since these speakers have both planer type and cone type drivers the cover helpes blend the sound properly... Maybe?
"Single strand double knit polyester?" Sounds like one of my old disco shirts. I'll check it out, as well as the standard issue stuff.