Id recommend the Ohm 4000 at $5500. The Ohms simply do everything right, arent sensitive to room placement and unlike the older Walsh series, are not difficult to drive. Your AS2000 will easily drive them.
In the past 40 years Ive owned/reviewed/sold the following speakers:
Wharfedale W60; EPI 150; Braun L710; DCM Time Window; Spendor SP1/2; Mirage M3-si; Monitor Audio Studio 6; APL Serenade; JM Labs Daline 3.1, Micron Karat; Wisdom Audio 50; Clements 206d;, Shamrock Eire; Equation 7, 9; Silverline S12, SR15, SR17, Panatella, Sonatina, Sonata; Galante Rhapsody, SAP Quartette; Klipschorn, Klipsch Belle, Heresy, KG4; Shahinian Obelisk; Omega Super 3; Harbeth C7II; Lamhorn; Altec Valencia; JM Reynaud Twin, Trente, Offrande; Magneplanar 1.2 GPA 604-8H; Ohm Micro Walsh, 100, and the 3000 which I now own.
Ive also listened to countless others at several CES and SP shows. The Ohms are simply what Ive been looking for all these years. They offer a 120 day trial period in case you dont like their sound, but I doubt you will return them.