Speaker Fetish

I don't know if I am alone or not but I like speakers. I have a pair and am not looking to replace them but I find myself drawn to looking into new speakers all of the time. I don't know if I should go to a shrink or is this normal? Any coments? DO I NEED HELP?????

Showing 10 responses by tireguy

No offense Jayboard but I'll send you some belly button lint, you will NEVER get my audio gear. They will never take me alive I will go out in a blaze of glory, HAHA!
Flip your neighbor has a pair of penis's, well I guess that is something to be jealous of....
I prefer sealed or electrostats/planer speakers, both would be a neat trick in refrence to your coment but I do appreciate your concern, I have blow up dolls for that, duh!
Avguy I would gladly ship you Ms. Rightnow but I don't have any boxes that I am willing to part with, sorry. Ah I got it maybe if I deflate her and jam her into an envelope and stick a whole lotta stamps on the envelope then I could send it right through United States Postal service. Or better yet I have a buddie how just picked up a love sheep(it is an inflatable sheep)as a joke, maybe I could send that too, it might be more your style. Well let me know, hopefully I will not here from you, hehehehehe.
There all yours and I appreciate your concern for my mental imbalance Avguy. I have been trying to do something but nothing seems to work, I have been joking about the dolls but maybe it would be a solution if you have any send them to me maybe it could help, ah never mind I'll just buy another set of speakers.....That is my answer to everything, at least it is not crack, though it would probably be cheaper and I would get no less respect then I do now. Any suggestions for speakers or shrinks or better yet a shrink with a good sound system. nOw i'M rEalLy exCitEd tHerE is nO eNd tO tHis prEdicAmeNt soRrY aBoUt tHe tyPinG bUt mY viSiOn haS gOnE bLurRY.......i gOtTA GoooOOo
But Pcc where are you going to put the BIG boxes that they will come in? Seeing as Pcc has not the room for the speakers and the boxes you could send them to me and I will tend to the speakers and the boxes. My address is......
My UPS guy's name is Phil, and he really likes peppermint patties and hot chocolate we are a sick breed!
Well thank you Angela100, I am actually expecting a visit from my buddie phil this Wed. At least that is what the UPS tracking thing tells me, I will have hot chocolate with marshmellows, (yeah you guessed it phil likes marshmellows in his hot chocolate)and peppermint patties awaiting him.