Speaker/equipment placement

I’ve been interested in audio for quite awhile now and have become even more involved in the last few years. Relaxing in the evenings I like to browse equipment especially speakers, something Ive noticed over the years in looking at speaker listings on Agon is that maybe 1 in 10 images of speaker placements apear to be good . I know it’s tough,existing  room conditions, furniture, wifes/ husbands etc , but its just sad to see a $30k pair of Wilsons pushed up against the back wall in between the console home entertainment unit. Just sayin , cue : Mahgister. 


Showing 1 response by dynacohum

Ask married owners of Magneplanars if they move them for serious listening and you’ll find it’s not so rare. With heavy cabinet speakers, especially spiked, yeah that’s not happening.