I think I agree with just about everything you guys are saying. I did a post a while back trying to ask other members to describe their soundstage. Granted that is hard to do, but also so very interesting to hear about. I once stuck an old Luxman receiver in my system. The soundstage moved back and sort of outside my window. Interesting. Davt, I also bought the Krause Live LP set. One terrific recording and incredibly talented band. Do you also have the New Favorite CD, and where is the banjo player if you do? My speakers disappear based on the quality of the recording, is what I experience.
Speaker disappearing act?
There's new $25k per pair speaker, that according to everyone who matters, disappears? I've heard this disappearing act before, but what, if any does it have to do with the quality of the sound? If you're blind, or close your eyes when you listen to music, does that eliminate the need for a total disappearing act? I know what they mean by speakers "disappearing" but can it be overkill in the descriptive sense, considering there are oodles of other factors that are important in describing a speaker/quality of sound. Have you ever listened to a pair of speakers that are drop dead amazing, but when you open your eyes they may not be the purest "disappearing" act you thought? Does that matter?