speaker degradation question

I know this isn't a brilliant question, but every salesman I speak to obviously tells me to replace my Linn Helix front channels because they are 8 years old. I burned them in properly and they still perform perfectly. I am told to upgrade because they were not designed for both HT and Stereo. Thoughts and suggestions appreciated, thanks.

Showing 1 response by lakerat2124

Justy, there have been alot of changes(more so in formats) in the past 10 years, but there are a number or great speakers being made with technology arround 10 years ago. I aggree with above, if you like the sound stick with what you have. Another idea would be to audition some of these new up-to-date speakers. If a saleman tells you there would be significate changes, make him put up. Most quality dealers will let you try them in your home. A/B them against yours. If the difference isn't worth the money, tell the salesman he was wrong. Have fun and happy listening...LR