Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?

After listening to many speaker cables, I am listening to basic 14 Gauge, high purity copper speaker wire and find myself shaking my head.  Does this basic speaker wire sound better than cables many times the price?  I am really starting to ponder that question.  I think I am hearing things on my records I never heard before and better balance of sound.  What are your thoughts?

Showing 10 responses by millercarbon

That’s Troll Master of the Universe. If you’re gonna insult, get it right.
So out of the several hundred choices out there you tried a couple of the cheapest worst ones, they were as we all know highly variable in results, and from this meager random sample you have concluded you not only know more than much more experienced listeners, you know enough to conclude they need therapy. Impressive. 

So, bring it on -- We on the professional side of things (I am a mastering engineer) prefer components that deliver what's there. I have always used 10 gauge oxygen-free stranded cable of good manufacture, kept to reasonable lengths.

There are no absolutes. We live in a relative world. Relatively speaking, if my clients like the way their music sounds out there, I am listening to the best possible system. My clients have come back again and again.

Best regards to all.

Yes, we are all well aware the few audiophile quality recordings are swamped by people like you churning out dreck. Enjoy your profits. Maybe put some of it back into improved quality? Just a thought.

That sounds nothing like me. Companies don't charge, they ask. We decide to pay, or not. The transaction being between two freely consenting traders there is nothing stupid about it. Each thinks they got a good deal- or there would be no deal in the first place! It is only the academic pretending to stand outside the whole thing while in reality holding himself morally superior to it all where stupidity comes in.
To who? Those of us who know have nothing to prove. The onus is not on us to teach, but on you to learn. 
@millercarbon where are you located? I would love to come by for a listen!

bigkidz-Sorry, only just now noticed your question.  

I am just east of Seattle in Redmond. A long trip to be sure but worth it, we have one from NH and another from TX coming in August. Krissy and Rick, both of whom have contributed greatly to the wonderful sound we have been able to achieve here. They are each bringing some things, and together with what we already have on hand it is sure to be an ambitious few days of critical listening. You are welcome to join us. Or for a more relaxed experience with everything nicely settled in you are welcome any time. 
Wow cleeds you are right, that really is a heaping bowl of word salad! Plebian! He threw "plebian" in there! "Oracular golden ear pontiffs"! Shouldn't it be "oracular golden eared pontiffs"? Either way, I resemble that remark!

What got me thinking about this was the fact that many people that I listen with have great equipment and just basic speaker cables. I was hearing things on their systems that I was not hearing on mine. It got me thinking, how can these systems sound so great with home depot speaker wire? 

Simple: everything matters. Come listen to my system with lamp cord, patch cords, and freebie rubber power cords. I will pull them out of my junk drawer and put them in special just for you. You will be floored how good it will sound. Because if that is all you hear that is all you know, and you will be impressed. Just like with your friend's systems.

Then I will change just the speaker cable and your jaw will drop. Then I will change the interconnect. You will not believe it. Finally the power cords. It will be a whole new system. Each time. By the time we are done your mind will be boggling how anything could ever sound so good.

It's because of those wires you think don't matter.
Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?

If you like listening to lamp cord, no problem. Listen to lamp cord.