Speaker cables from Asia

I see alot of offerings on speaker cables and IC's on Ebay from Asia Etc.Has anyone tried these if so how did you make out. I also have a concern that these might be like a Rolex on the streets in N.Y. look genuine but not so.
Can anyone shed a little light

Mcintosh amp & pre
VPI turntable
Rogue phono stage
Vandersteen 3A speakers

Showing 1 response by ryder

I once did consider getting a pair of Van den Hul Magnum hybrid speaker cable from Ebay since the price was quite cheap. After pondering for some time I ditched the idea as I didn't want to end up disappointed. Most audio stores in Ebay selling cheap stuff are from Hong Kong. As for your question how will these cables sound like compared to the original, I reckon one would take them as authentic cables unless they are compared to the original. Then again, I presume it would be difficult to differentiate original and fakes apart in double-blind test unless you cut the cables open and inspect all the details.