Speaker Cables for VA Mahlers with Linn electronic

I'm rearranging my listening room and changing from a 25 ft run of Ocos speaker wire to a 6 ft run of something else. I'm running Linn Akurate CD, Linn Axis TT, Linn Exotic preamp, and Linn 2250 amp into Vienna Acoustics Mahlers. I love the sound and have no complaints -- very musical, lots of detail, great soundstage. But I'm assuming that going to a shorter run of speaker wire will improve things.

I'm using Stereovox 600 interconnects, which nicely improved things all around when I got them. I'd love to try their speaker wire, but their reference line is out of my price range. Any thoughts about Stereovox Firebird speaker wire? I'm looking for suggestions for speaker wires that might work well in my system. Whatcha think?

Showing 2 responses by raquel

I owned Mahlers for about five years. Sumiko, the U.S. distributor, evidently ran Kimber Monacle at some shows (I think it was Sumiko that told me this, but I can't recall). I ran Kimber Select 3033 (copper) and 3038 (silver), but mostly 3033.

That said, many argue that the more important match for speaker cables is in fact with the amp, due to capacitance issues (I have one acquaintance who calls speaker cables "amp cables"). You should call Linn and ask them for suggestions.
I just want to clarify what I was saying. The amp / speaker cable interface is indeed important (as I wrote, the most important factor in the view of some), as is the speaker cable / speaker interface. The key, however, and that is why I mentioned the amp, is that all three pieces work together and must be considered. The amp is facing impedances determined by speaker cables, crossovers, sometimes the system resonance, and other factors - it's a complex soup. In short, talk to Sumiko (Vienna Acoustics) and to Linn, and then for good measure, to the speaker cable manufacturer (smart cable manufacturers will warn you of a pending mismatch).