speaker cables

hello all. i am lookin to upgrade my current spkr cable sitiation, i am employing kimber kable bi-focal x presently. i am running a b.a.t. ss amp with a b.a.t. tube pre. my speakers are KEF 205 reference. i like the kimbers, but, am looking for more. i auditioned jps labs superconducters, but was not satisfied enough to make a change. i've heard glowing reviews of purist audio, and synergistic research. help! any feedback would be greatly appreciated. i'm lookin to make a change soon, so, any immediate feedback would be great. thanks, GMAN
What sound characteristic are you wanting to change? What do you want "more" of other than placebo cost? Speaking of cost, a budget range would be helpful as well.
thanks for the quick response. i guess im looking for more detail, better mids, etc. i guess im tryin to squeeze as much as i can out of the kefs

I have a pair of Clear Day Double Shotgun cables for sale here.

Please, chek out this link:
