Speaker cable suggestions

I'm currently using the latest version of Townshend Audio EDCT Isolda but feel it's slightly restricting the performance of my Gamut M250i mono blocks.
I have a shortlist but would be interested to hear your experiences with speaker cables that you have found exceptional.


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@Lowrider57- My current speakers are Tannoy DC10T on Townshend Seismic bars.
The sound is very detailed, fast etc. but can on occasion be a little harsh in the upper mids.

@Zd542- I'm sure there are benefits in replacing all my power cords with super high end offerings but for the moment I'm confident that a speaker cable upgrade will yield excellent results.

Which speaker cables are some of you guys using/enjoying?
Thank you all for the replies.

And yes Milpai you're right, it completely avoids being just 'review reliant'.

My initial shortlist -

The Missing Link - Link Cryo Reference
Revelation Audio Labs - Testament Cryo-Silver
Morrow - Elite Grand

I think that's it...??!
Thanks Dorkwad & Djfst.
The Wywires look interesting...The Diamonds are quite expensive! I've emailed them anyway to discuss further my requirements.

@Williewonka- I've already looked at Keith's zFLOW22 & would like to hear them. Last year I nearly purchased his gZero6 SC. I guess one of the problems some of us have is it isn't possible to home dem all the cable upgrades we're considering so the input from all you guys is extremely important & appreciated.

I'm also considering the Magnum Opus by Crystal Clear...any owners out there...??
Thanks Facten, Reynolds853 & Wcheng2...all suggestions are very helpful.

I had a reply from Alex at WyWires who said any slight harshness I'm experiencing is the characteristic of the Tannoys...I have to say that is not the case.
Thanks for the continued suggestions guys.

Srosenberg, which cables did you replace?