Speaker Cable Recommendations - Under 2k

I’m looking for some advice on speaker cables.  I currently have Morrow SP7s and would like to upgrade while keeping under 2k for a 2.5m pair.  Below is a list of my equipment.  

Linn LP12 with circus upgrade and lingo power supply

Ortofon Cadenza Bronze cartridge

Herron VTPH-2a phono preamp

ARC LS25 MKII preamp

ARC VT200 power amp

Harbeth 30.2 40th Anniversary Speakers

Interconnects and phono cable are also Morrow 7 series

Thanks in advance for your insights.

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Showing 2 responses by ps

If you'd like to do a very inexpensive experiment try finding some Furez 12 or 14 AWG and assemble a pair yourself.  Talk about ROI....


+1 back at ya’

I made a pair of 14-4 using BFA bananas and am very pleased indeed. Unfortunately, the 12-4 and 14-4 are hard to find now since Furez is out of business.

I just found some 14-2 for another experiment and depending on those sound, I might double the run. This is a quick, fun, and rewarding project for me. As I said; ROI.

I simply cannot justify spending large on cables whether made from magical wires or not. But, I CAN hear differences. The questions for me is are those differences better or worse and what the price of admission is.