Speaker Cable Recommendations - Under 2k

I’m looking for some advice on speaker cables.  I currently have Morrow SP7s and would like to upgrade while keeping under 2k for a 2.5m pair.  Below is a list of my equipment.  

Linn LP12 with circus upgrade and lingo power supply

Ortofon Cadenza Bronze cartridge

Herron VTPH-2a phono preamp

ARC LS25 MKII preamp

ARC VT200 power amp

Harbeth 30.2 40th Anniversary Speakers

Interconnects and phono cable are also Morrow 7 series

Thanks in advance for your insights.

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Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

I have similar equipment. You can see my profile. I find Cardas too warm in my system… although I am not familiar enough with the sound of your speakers to be one hundred percent certain. There is a classic combination is Transparent cables, ARC gear and Sonus Faber speakers. Because they are just that, transparent and ARC is very carefully balanced in tonality… a little either way and it will not sound as good. Most of my cables and interconnects are Transparent after experimenting with at least a dozen high end cable companies.

Just a reminder that wires are not better for all… like there is poor quality to good quality and this applies to everyone. While this is generally true with really inexpensive wires, it is not true with mid to high end wires. It depends on your system and your values. In my systems Cardas has been the savior and destructor, depending on my components… Nordost as well, the best and worst I heard in my system.

i don’t want to be over dramatic but, “the best” I have heard in my system is not an appropriate endorsement that it will be the best in your system.