Speaker cable recommendations

I have a Hegel H-390 and Dynaudio Heritage Specials which have great synergy. Any recommendations for speaker cables that maximize that synergy? I am hoping to find a cable that is also a good balanced solution price wise as opposed to a cable that retails for as much as the two components. Thanks for any help with this first world problem , as I do feel really blessed to have finally found such a great sounding system after my 55 years of enjoying my stereos.


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Showing 1 response by ace17

I've got some Morrow Audio SP6 cables which I am very happy with, running between PS Audio M700 monoblocks and Wharfedales...you're right about the synergy, but you won't know until you try, and they will let you return them if you're unhappy w/them.

I agree w/the poster above who said the lower level AQs are not really very good, esp their speaker cables.

If you wanna spend more money, look into VooDoo, SR, and/or Shunyata.  I have some Syn Res interconnects, and they are fantastic. Ditto for VooDoo