Speaker cable length

Hey y'all,

I'm thinking about changing the setup of my rig so the equipment rack is off to the side and nothing is between the speakers. However, that's going to entail a much longer set of speaker cables. Is there anything about speaker cable length I should be aware of? And and am I right in assuming that I need to keep both pairs of cables equal length?

Showing 4 responses by millercarbon


i'm always sus about people who've claim to have figured it out. no matter how ourt of touch they may be with interior decor

Relax. I still haven’t figured out grammar either.

What I have figured out though, wire length doesn’t matter but wire quality does. You will get only the tiniest improvement moving equipment off to the side. This is not something I claim to have figured out. This is something I actually tried and heard the difference. It is negligible. The difference in sound quality though, for whatever your budget is, if you have $500 it will buy you hugely better speaker cables at 8 ft than 20 ft. No contest. You will crap at what you lost. For all your work moving all that stuff around.

But you go ahead, ridicule me for knowing what I am talking about. Who knows, maybe next time even spell a word or two correctly.
I don't mean to be acrid here, but those of you is spousing really short speaker cable lengths seem to be out of touch with a lot of systems reality. 

Welcome then to the Twilight Zone. None of this actually exists. Nor do I. Nor, interestingly enough, do you. None of this is reality. Couldn't be. No real person could ever figure out how to do this. Could they?
You are going to give up far more in sound quality due to crap wire than you will gain by marginally improved acoustics.