Speaker Break-In - What Physically Changes During Break-In To Enable Better Sound?


Have seen people and manufacturers mention that speakers need to be played for a while to break-in / open up.  Would like to know what physically happens to the speaker components to enable better sound during the break-in period.  Please share your wisdom on this.


Showing 3 responses by grannyring

The capacitors, resistors, inductors, internal wire, solder joints and binding posts. Capacitors alone take up to 500 hours to sound their best.  
No, break in requires more time for the extra large caps made by companies like Jupiter Condenser and Duelund. Values for passive crossovers from 5-10uf are the size of Coke cans. These windings take 500 hours of run in and experience from pros proves this out.
Some caps need as little as 50 hours. It depends on the construction design and physical size.  For example,  Jantzen Superior Z caps need only 50 hours, however Duelund copper foil (PIO) caps need all of 500 hours.  Just the way it is.