Speaker brands known to use first class internal components

I've been watching some YouTube videos lately that explore speakers from different companies including checking what internal components they are using. I've been alarmed to see that some high-end (and very expensive) speakers have nice cabinets and drivers but really use dime store crossovers and wiring. Some where so flagrant that if I would have purchased those speakers I wouldn't just be disappointed, I'd be angry. One of the speakers I would consider buying are the Kef Reference 1 stand mounts (it's a little big to be called a bookshelf) but I would hate to pay $7,000 or more for a pair only to find out the internal components are sub par. Are there brands that can be purchased with "confidence"  (pun intended) that are sure to use top notch crossovers, wiring and speaker cable terminals? Thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by 80s_forever

Many years ago I recall seeing a picture of Kef's Reference 5 speaker that was cut open, and the crossover was gigantic and expensive looking.  This made me feel better about the Reference 1 speakers that I purchased.